Whether you’re a seasoned Super Forum-goer or attending for the first time, you’ll appreciate these tips from Higher Logic clients.
During our latest Champion Program Summer Challenge, we asked our clients to share their best tips for attending Super Forum 2018 in Higher Logic’s own community, the Higher Logic Users Group (HUG).
Because we can’t really say it any better, here are the grade-A recommendations brought to you by your fellow Huggers.
This year, we not only have tactical and strategic online community sessions, but we’ll also offer a whole host of marketing automation sessions. With more sessions than ever, this is the year to check out the full program in advance, and figure out your game plan early.
Having backup sessions in mind is super handy. Take it from David Tchozewski, the Manager of Discovery Education’s Online Learning Community, who recommends that you “choose at least two sessions for each time slot.”
Year after year, the 1:1 consulting sessions are a Super Forum favorite. Web Content and Community Manager at the CREW Network, Megan Cottrell, shares that “this experience alone was worth the cost of my Super Forum registration, flight and hotel.” While signing up gets you halfway there, collecting your team’s questions ahead of time will make your life a lot easier.
The Association of College and University Housing Officers – International’s Director of Communications, James Baumann, recommends that you “gather as much of the information that you will need BEFORE you get there.” (We’ll be sharing sign-up information for these sessions soon – stay tuned!)
From the minute you arrive, your brain gets filled to the brim with new knowledge, ideas, and ways to apply what you’ve learned. With nine Super Forums under her belt, Lila Elliott, the Senior Manager of Education at Higher Logic, suggests you take at least 1-3 bulleted notes after each session and include how they will be implemented.
To avoid forgetting the great intentions you had at Super Forum when you jump back into your day-to-day work, she also recommends that you “give yourself time to decompress from what you learned and make a plan.”
Super Forum is a unique opportunity to connect with people who have had many of the same experiences with community or marketing automation as you have. Cassandra Strawn, California Special Districts Association’s Senior Member Services Specialist, recommends that you “try to network and talk with as many people as you can.”
Client-led sessions are also a great opportunity to ask specific questions about the successes or challenges the speakers have faced.
Unfortunately, technology hasn’t advanced far enough to allow us to be in more than once place at a time. Amanda Feil, the Membership Development Manager at the American Association for Respiratory Care, notes that “if you can bring several staff, it’s great,” and that “if you can’t, don’t be afraid to ask other people throughout the conference if they had a chance to go to your backup session.”
Bonus tip: Use the Super Forum event community as a resource after the conference! It’s likely that members will be happy to share notes for sessions you missed.
Towards the end of the event, it may be tempting to leave to give your brain a break, but if you can, hold on. Super Forum goes out with bang with the fast-paced, can’t-miss “45 Ideas in 45 Minutes” session. If you don’t believe us, ask Simona Ciampi, the Associate Director of Online Member Engagement at the American Association for Clinical Chemistry. She insists that you “DO NOT MISS this session.”
Historically, our team has shared 45 innovative online community ideas that our clients have implemented. This year, we’ll welcome marketing automation content to the mix for a jam-packed closing session you won’t want to miss.